Reliant Pet CBD brought together healthcare professionals, animal lovers, and experts in veterinarian medicine to craft the ultimate CBD pet oil. Because of our background, we are committed to always putting pets first. To do that, we put time and effort into learning the science behind CBD and how it can be most effective for our lovable furry friends.

How does CBD work for pets?

Humans and most other mammals, including cats, dogs, horses, rodents, and other lovable pets, have a body system made up of cannabinoid receptors. The endocannabinoid system (ECS), is associated with various bodily functions and other systems throughout the body. Through the ECS, the body works to heal itself and maintain complete balance, working to create what is known as homeostasis.

CBD and the Endocannabinoid System

Cannabinoid receptors, called CB1 and CB2, are the receptors that make up a large portion of the endocannabinoid system. Found throughout both the body and the brain, these receptors have been reported to affect different functions. Some of these functions could include regulation throughout the immune system, appetite control, mood improvement, heightened sensations, and more.

The endocannabinoid system’s main function in any mammal’s body is to help the body reach homeostasis. By reaching homeostasis, the body will have achieved complete balance and a stable environment all throughout the body.

To Summarize

In short, CBD may work for pets by interacting positively with the endocannabinoid system to improve a wide series of different functions. Affecting everything from mood to inflammation, it makes sense to add CBD oil to your pet’s daily routine.

Since pets have cannabinoid receptors in their endocannabinoid system (ECS) that are similar to humans, research suggest CBD can provide benefit to them as well. With consistent use benefits such as, relaxation, joint and muscle pain relief, and a variety of other symptoms have been noticeably improved.

What Type of CBD Product is Best for Your Pet?

You would never want to use any CBD product that contains THC with your animals. THC is known to be dangerous to cats, dogs, and many other animals.

Our products are rigorously tested to ensure they always remain rich in CBD and free of THC. We aim for and demand a quality that exceeds the standards of the industry. With hard work and dedication, we ensure our products are accurate, effective, and reliable.